
Just One of the Guys Episode #161

MadminW April 24, 2015 17

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Oh dear Lord, is this how Judd Winick’s runn on Green Lantern is going to finish? Because if issue 161 of GREEN LANTERN is any indication, the writer who gave us the Power of Ion and Hate Crimes is just phoning it it. This time out on JUST ONE OF THE GUYS we get into an issue that wraps up Kyle tracking down an Amazon stripper with immeasurable power who just might be a rapidly matured Guardian of the Universe baby. Plus Ganthet magics away all the destruction from last issue, and the big reveal that Jenny told to Kyle is wiped away like it had zero meaning. It’s some really lazy writing in the last days of the Winick run, and I hope this isn’t an indicator for how the rest of the series will go. So unless you want to be hung upside down all Wampa cave style and stared at by a stunted stripper, I suggest you grab your mp3 player of choice, download the show, and start to listening.


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