
Just One of the Guys Episode #159

MadminW April 10, 2015 7

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After last week’s lackluster issue, can Judd Winick turn it around in GREEN LANTERN #159? The simple answer is…yes, yes he can. Now that Kyle and Jenny have unleashed and army of angry rock monsters on the capital of the terraforming aliens, Green Lantern’s only hope is to go to the source of the problem and find out just where these “Bore Beasts” are coming from. And the answer is actually a pleasant surprise…a nice change since I thought last issue was a bit of a letdown. Maybe the final leg of the Judd Winick era of Green Lantern won’t be so bad after all. So grab your mp3 player of choice, download the show, and start listening to the latest episode of JUST ONE OF THE GUYS: A GREEN LANTERN PODCAST!


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