Just One Of The Guys Episode #115
Happy Friday, dear listeners, and thanks for dropping by my humble little podcast hacienda known as Just One of the Guys. On today’s show our trip through the Green Lantern […]
Friday’s here once again, so it’s time for another episode of Just One of the Guys here at Two True Freaks! This time out in the Green Lantern proper book, we get the conclusion of the Dan Jurgens’ penned story featuring Kyle, Booster Gold, and Plastic Man going up against the menace of…THE SUPPLIER!!! Yeah, not really top tier bad guy. But we do get to find out what was in that box that was delivered to Kyle’s apartment, and the answer will certainly surprise you. In that it really isn’t anything interesting at all.
Plus we’re barreling through our coverage of the Green Lantern annuals, and this time out it’s Annual #5, part of the Legends of the Dead Earth event. And what we get are a great story about the ills of group think written by Chuck Dixon and a possible inventory story from the Tales of the Green Lantern Corps backup strips written by Len Wein. But don’t let that fool you, these are some of my favorite annual tales for the Green Lantern comic. So, unless you want to face the wrath of the Stock Clerk…I mean the Supplier, I suggest you grab your mp3 player of choice, download the show, and get to listening!
MadminW May 30, 2014
Happy Friday, dear listeners, and thanks for dropping by my humble little podcast hacienda known as Just One of the Guys. On today’s show our trip through the Green Lantern […]
2021 DiManzicorp Podcast Network
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