Just One Of The Guys Episode #114
Guten Morgen meine Freunde, und willkommen zurück zu einer anderen Episode von nur einer der Jungs. Okay, enough with the German abuse of Google Translate…hello everyone and thanks for downloading […]
Happy Friday, dear listeners, and thanks for dropping by my humble little podcast hacienda known as Just One of the Guys. On today’s show our trip through the Green Lantern comics of the 1990’s brings us to a story written by famed Superman writer and artist, Dan Jurgens. And since Dan is penning issue 115 of Green Lantern, why shouldn’t he be able to bring one of his most iconic created characters, Booster Gold, into the book? No reason whatsoever!!! And just for good measure, Plastic Man, a MacGuffin box, and a villain called the Supplier (oooohh…scary!) get thrown into the mix as well.
Plus, like last time, we’re running through the Green Lantern Annuals. And this time out it’s the Year One Annual event where all the annuals told origin tales…so yeah, there’s that. But this origin tale gives you two Lanterns for the price of one, as Hal and Kyle do a Freaky Friday body swap, leaving Kyle to take on the Invisible Destroyer and Hal to tackle Major Force from their first years as heroes. Does the quality of annuals keep getting better, or do we slide back into Bloodlines levels of quality. I guess you’ll have to listen to find out!
MadminW May 23, 2014
Guten Morgen meine Freunde, und willkommen zurück zu einer anderen Episode von nur einer der Jungs. Okay, enough with the German abuse of Google Translate…hello everyone and thanks for downloading […]
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