Just One Of The Guys Episode #110
Hello out there, denizens of the inter-webs, and thank you for downloading and listening to another awesome episode of Just One of the Guys, the greatest Green Lantern podcast that […]
Hello everyone, and thanks for downloading the latest episode of Just One of the Guys, the show that talks about Green Lantern comics in the 1990’s. And this time out, we’re going to be talking about…two Green Lantern comics from the 1990’s (hey, it’s part of the show’s mandate, and I haven’t reached cover dates in the 2000’s yet). This time out in Green Lantern #111, Jenny Lynn Hayden, former hero Jade/current hero Green Lantern has to take on one of Kyle’s greatest foes, the Lantern Hunter who obviously isn’t very digestible, Fatality. Plus, dining out with John Stewart and Merayn! What more could you ask for?
Well, you’d probably ask for a better comic, and luckily, you’d get one with our second book, “Green Lantern: The New Corps”. In part two of this prestige format book, Kyle has to face down the evil overlord he mistakenly gave the most powerful weapon in the universe to with only the help of his ragtag band of new Green Lanterns. Chuck Dixon delivers another satisfying story with plenty of wonderful character moments that would make you want to actually read more about this forgotten group of Lanterns. So, unless you want to take on Fatality’s Weed Whacker Spear (seriously, on the cover it looks like she’s about to do some major landscaping), I suggest you grab your mp3 player of choice, download the show, and start listening!
MadminW April 25, 2014
Hello out there, denizens of the inter-webs, and thank you for downloading and listening to another awesome episode of Just One of the Guys, the greatest Green Lantern podcast that […]
2021 DiManzicorp Podcast Network
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