
Just One Of The Guys Episode #109

MadminW April 18, 2014 16

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Good Friday everyone…LITERALLY, as this show is going up on Good Friday of 2014. And what better way to spend the day Catholics celebrate (?) the crucifixion and death of their saviour than by listening to two clowns yap about a Green Lantern comic dealing with a pedophile Santa Claus. In issue 109 of Green Lantern, while Jade and Obsidian are out Christmas shopping, Jenny overhears a familiar voice from her past; one that brings back horrible memories. And it just happens to come from a department store Santa. It’s another “very special episode” issue, dealing with violence against children. Is it heavy handed like the drunk driving issue? Or does it manage to tackle the very uncomfortable issue in a powerful and fulfilling way? I’d put money on the latter at Marz and Pelletier deliver another great issue. And guest host Jay Ferguson and myself deliver our thoughts on it. So unless you want to be bound and gagged by a curvaceous model who is also a Green Lantern…and not in the fun way…I suggest you grab your mp3 player of choice, download the show, and start to listening!

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