Just One Percent of the Guys Episode #116
Hey everyone, and welcome back to another episode of Just One Percent of the Guys, a Dallas/Dynasty Podcast. Sorry the episode came out a little late this week, but the […]
Hey there folks, and welcome back to another episode of Just One of the Guys, a podcast that is 100% Hagman free. I hope you enjoyed Dave Weter and my little diversion at the beginning of this month, but it’s back to nothing but Green Lantern this time out. In issue #107, we see the wrap up of the Emerald Knights story where Kyle tries to figure out what to do with the Green Lantern ring left to him by the time displaced Hal. His first thoughts are obviously to seek out Earth’s former Green Lanterns, Alan Scott, John Stewart, and most importantly Guy Gardner, but for some reason they all turn him down. But Kyle does find an awesome candidate to wield the ring, current snuggle bunny Jenny Lynn Hayden. And let’s just say, she definitely wears the uniform well. And she’s able to use her powers (also know as boobies) to subdue the rampaging Hulk…I mean, Sledge, who just happens to be in town. It’s a nice little story that will set up Jenny as GL for a while in the book, and it leads into a story about Kyle trying to form “The New Corps”. And to make the show even better, I’ve corraled my good friend, Mr. Thomas Deja (host of Better in the Dark with his best friend Derrick Ferguson) to discuss how amazing the classic Green Lantern uniform looks on the female form and to joke about Morrisey getting a Green Lantern ring. Good times abound! So unless you want a 16 ton ring construct anvil dropped on your head, I suggest you grab your mp3 player of choice, download the show, and start to listening!
MadminW March 31, 2014
Hey everyone, and welcome back to another episode of Just One Percent of the Guys, a Dallas/Dynasty Podcast. Sorry the episode came out a little late this week, but the […]
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