Just One Of The Guys Episode #106
Hello lovely listeners, and thank you for downloading and hopefully listening to another episode of Just One of the Guys, where I, Shawn Engel, talk about Green Lantern comics, specifically […]
Hello future friends, and welcome to the one millionth episode of Just One of the Guys. What do you say, your neural capacity can’t comprehend how we reached that number of episodes. Well fear not, dear listener, as this week we are jumping ahead to the 853rd Century to look at Green Lantern #1,000,000. Kyle and the rest of the Justice League have swapped places with their far future counterparts (except for Kyle, as there’s no Green Lanterns in the 853rd Century) and our intrepid GL is engaged in a race with a 3rd Generation Pokemon…or something like that. He also finds out about a sinister plot to kill Superman, who is still alive in the far flung future, hatched by the living sun, Solaris. We are also taking a look at DC One Million as a whole. Is this one of Grant Morrison’s triumphs or is it just more unintelligible ramblings. Is this Superman related to Morrison’s All Star Superman? Well, luckily I brought on someone who can answer all these questions and more, self professed Morrison fan, Stephen Lacey (host of The Fantasticast, a podcast covering all eras of the Fantastic Four). So grab your mp3 player of choice, download the show, and get to listening!
MadminW March 21, 2014
Hello lovely listeners, and thank you for downloading and hopefully listening to another episode of Just One of the Guys, where I, Shawn Engel, talk about Green Lantern comics, specifically […]
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