It’s here, it’s here!!! The new podcast is finally here!!! Okay, now that I’m finished channeling Steve Martin from The Jerk, I invite you to listen to the very first episode of Just One of the Guys, A Green Lantern Podcast. Hal tries suicide, Guy is angry, John needs to lay off the Headline News…all of this and a hot widow mom that Hal tries to show the “Big Dipper” to. And he shows her some constellations as well. Fun and merriment is had.
Forewarned, this is my first solo episode, so I’m definitely not as polished as many veteran podcasters. If you could only see the number of stop and start edits I made in Audacity…whew! Anyhow, I’m sure I’ll get into more of a groove with subsequent podcasts. Let me know your thoughts, positive and negative, by e-mailing me at justoneoftheguyspodcast@gmail.com. Thanks for downloading!
2021 DiManzicorp Podcast Network
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