Just One of the Guys Episode #36
Ho, ho, ho!!! Merry Christmas everyone! This is your good friend Santa Shawn wishing you tidings of comfort and joy in this blessed holiday season! Wait, what…It’s only October? Well […]
Hello dear listeners…I want to apologize right at the beginning that this weeks episode of Just One of the Guys features one of my least favorite Green Lantern comics of this era. Not only does it deal with football (American football to everyone not living in the United States), which I could care less about, it also doesn’t tie in with anything that has been going on, has a villain that gives up after people are forced to watch 1950’s sitcoms, and some of the worst artwork I’ve yet to see in the book. Does any of this make sense, because I’m still a bit loopy from sniffing paint thinner to try and wipe away the memory of this issue.
But the Guy Gardner issue is good, even though there’s not the promised knock down dragout fight between Guy and Hal that the cover hints at. But at least it’s not Green Lantern #37, which I really wish I didn’t have to cover. I can imagine that this would be the point where people at the time would think twice about picking up the book…Oy vey. Anyhow, if you are a brave enough soul, grab your mp3 player of choice, download the episode, and start to listening…because I promise it can only get better.
MadminW October 19, 2012
Ho, ho, ho!!! Merry Christmas everyone! This is your good friend Santa Shawn wishing you tidings of comfort and joy in this blessed holiday season! Wait, what…It’s only October? Well […]
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