3rd Degree Byrne Episode 149: X-Men #139 & 140
Join Brian and Tim, two life long comic freaks, as they take a look at one of the quintessential comic book writer/artists of the last 40 years, John Bryne. Each […]
Cocktails and Comics presents its 28th round with a special Jeopardy edition. Kirk, Nigel and Brian battle to see who is the top freak. Cheers!
3rd Degree Byrne is proud to be part of the TwoTrueFreaks Internet Radio Network http://twotruefreaks.
Tagged as: motocycle, byrne, Guardians Galaxy, Time travel, Gerry Anderson, Superman, Night Stalker, godzilla, jeopardy, Comics, super hero, TV, Chris Claremont, flash, mandalorian, Marvel comics, Batgirl, X-Men, Picard, Wonderman.
Tim Elliott November 3, 2024
Join Brian and Tim, two life long comic freaks, as they take a look at one of the quintessential comic book writer/artists of the last 40 years, John Bryne. Each […]
2021 DiManzicorp Podcast Network