3rd Degree Byrne Presents Cocktails & Comics: Round 27
Join Brian and Tim, two life long comic freaks, as they take a look at one of the quintessential comic book writer/artists of the last 40 years, John Bryne. Each […]
They say all roads lead home. Today’s episode is the first step on a road that leads to Alpha Flight. The team returns to the X-Mansion with a heavy dose of Space-lag. Scott ponders his relationship with Jean while the team’s picnic by the lake is interrupted more than ants. Join Kirk, Nigel and Tim as they cover X-Men issue 109 “Wolverine: Wanted Dead or Alive!”.
3rd Degree Byrne is proud to be part of the TwoTrueFreaks Internet Radio Network http://twotruefreaks.
Tagged as: Hidden years, super hero, vindicator, Invaders, Elsewhen, Ghost Rider, Daredevil, West Coast, Comics, Ultron, Marvel comics, Scarlet Witch, X-Men, Vision, headhunter, East Germany, byrne.
Tim Elliott September 22, 2024
Join Brian and Tim, two life long comic freaks, as they take a look at one of the quintessential comic book writer/artists of the last 40 years, John Bryne. Each […]
2021 DiManzicorp Podcast Network