HOAT: Hey Bronies! It’s Pony Time!
Calling all Bronies! In this episode of Hope of All Trades, we tackle My Little Pony: Friendship is magic. I’m joined again by the lovely Bri from Other Side of […]
I will be speaking on a panel at Enchanta Con November 22nd, 2013 in Orlando, Florida!
In this episode of Hope of All Trades, I am joined by Anthony who is the creator of some of the Once Upon A Time teas on Adagio. As we work through each blend, we chat about the characters, past seasons, the current season, and everything in between. This is a long one folks, but by far my best Once podcast to date. I do have to apologize for some technical difficulties. The points we talk about in order are:
Cora tea
Greg and Tamara and the Home Office in post-Cora story lines
Gerhardt tea
Whale is Oz
History of Frankenstein and Victor’s commission
Belle tea
How effective Belle’s been this season
People actually care about Pongo’s back story?
Graham tea
Emma tea
What we think of Snow being pregnant
What’s going on with Emma this season?
Captain Swan vs. Swan Fire
If Neal is Emma’s true love, then what the hell did you have Graham for?
Shadow of the Queen spoiler
Where is Lancelot now that Sinqua Walls is off of Teen Wolf?
Snow tea
Why do we keep going back to the same Regina and Snow story?
Season two suffered when they took away the ensemble aspect from season one
Charming tea
Hook tea
Comparing Killian between season two to season three
Hook with his disability, and Colin’s acting
Killian’s last name is “Jones.” Will we see Davey Jones?
Regina ripping out the Lost Boy’s heart, and Snow and Emma’s reactions
Dark Charming needs to be a thing
Is Henry playing Pan?
Regina tea
We miss Maleficent!
Was there fallout with the fairies with Maleficent being a fallen fairy, Tink in Neverland, and Silvermist in Wonderland?
Is the Blue Fairy evil, or does she know that magic is dying?
Good Morning Storybrooke: Do we take this as canon?
Rumpel tea
Rumpel in season three
Was hallucination Belle a way to keep Emilie on the show and not lose her like Meghan Ory?
The color of magic smoke and how it relates to the characters
Can anyone from the Enchanted Forest learn magic?
What if there was a time where everyone learned magic, and that’s why there’s a shortage?
What is the creation story of all the worlds in Once Upon A Time?
Side tangent: if there was a Once Upon A Time world in Kingdom Hearts
Neal tea
Neal comes off as a bit of a Mary Sue in season three
What are the genetics of magic?
The reason why there won’t be angel and demon mythology in Once
Henry is apparently the greatest child ever made
Regina is the best parent out of the bunch
Tinker Bell and Peter Pan teas
Davey Jones ship (David and Killian)
We miss August!
The typewriter incident
Henry’s adoption and the book
Peter Pan reception by us and other people
Once Upon A Time vs. the comics Fables
Tinker Bell’s character
Is Pan related to Rumpel?
Henry tea
Henry seems to be changing into a more realistic kid his age
Henry should date Grace, because it would affect the adults
A dark Snow or dark Emma story could be interesting
Blue Fairy tea
Blue and Tink need to meet in Storybrooke
Jiminy Cricket tea
People forget Jiminy worked for Rumpel
I have a tangent about being a Sebastian Stan fangirl
Ensemble episodes vs. main character centric episodes (again)
The first set of season three photos were terrible
Mulan tea
Aurora tea
Where is the Aurora and Maleficent story?
If Robin’s kid was taken by Pan’s shadow, it would have set up great story lines
What is the geography and social structure of the Enchanted Forest?
Is Phillip still a wraith?
The dream world could be connected to Neverland through Peter’s shadow
Ruby tea
Child of the Moon was a weak point
Character driven episodes vs. plot driven episodes
Pan is a master of games
Ruby vs. Remus Lupin from Harry Potter
Villains were episodic in season two
The brickwork for Greg was awesome, but didn’t pan out (Get it? Pan! Ha! I’m hilarious!)
Jefferson tea
The story of when I met Keegan Connor Tracy and Raphael Sbarge
Hope’s POV: Whale and Jefferson are the two biggest game changers in Once Upon A Time that are never used. We wouldn’t have Neverland in season three without them
Victor could have been used in the Greg and Tamara story
The world rules of the Enchanted Forest don’t apply to Jefferson and Whale
They must like Sebastian Stan, because they recasted Robin Hood but not Jefferson
What would happen if half of Storybrooke returned to the Enchanted Forest and the other half stayed behind?
We like when these fairytale characters have real life problems
When will there be more characters like Jefferson struggling with both of their selves in their minds?
Pimping out some of my stories
Victor tea
Announcing the newest tea… The Creators!
You can find Anthony on twitter and tumblr
Make sure you check out other great Once Upon A Time podcasts like Other Side of the Mirror, Greetings from Storybrooke, Operation Cobra, and Once Podcast
Ending song: Jefferson’s theme season two
You can see more of my theories at my Once blog
Hope Mullinax November 6, 2013
Calling all Bronies! In this episode of Hope of All Trades, we tackle My Little Pony: Friendship is magic. I’m joined again by the lovely Bri from Other Side of […]
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