

Scott McGregor July 18, 2015 15

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Join wanderers of the wasteland Bill and Scott as they explore the vast worlds of the Fallout series. Grab yourself a plate of brahmin steak and some radscorpion salad and kick back for a tale of two vault dwellers as they search the irradiated lands of a devastated United States. Bill and Scott will talk about their adventures in the Fallout universe and offer tips to new Mad Max wannabes on where they can find the best hookers, guns and gambling the nuclear wasteland has to offer. So grab a Sunset Sarsaparilla (don’t forget to save the cap) or maybe a Nuka Cola for a bumpy ride through the Fallout. Also, learn why it’s bad to kill every M*****r F****r in the room and experience Dr. Bill’s super mutant bathroom break. Don’t forget: Mr. House always wins.

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