Episode 66 – Star Trek Monthly Monday #10 – The Menagerie pt.2
This month, the Freaks offer up an episode packed to the gills starting with the DC Comics adventures of Kirk and crew, a review of a published Trek short story […]
MadminW September 14, 2009 40
In this very exciting episode, the Freaks give some much needed love to the oft-neglected and sadly far, far underappreciated first (and Scott’s personal favorite) Star Trek film — Star Trek: The Motion Picture!!
In the first half of the episode, Chris and Scott blab about their personal discoveries, thoughts, feelings, and insights on the film and its various incarnations, most especially the Director’s Edition.
Then in the second half of the show, the Freaks are joined by first timer to the show Luke (ljacone on thecomicforums.com) and returning guest-freak extra-ordinaire Chris Gallo (webhead) for fascinating round-table discussion of the first and most “science-fictiony” big-screen Trek!
NOTE — The Two True Freaks! now have a phone line where you can call and leave a completely inappropriate message – We just might use it on the show! It’s 585-COP-LURE!! ( 1-585-267-5873 )
MadminW August 10, 2009
This month, the Freaks offer up an episode packed to the gills starting with the DC Comics adventures of Kirk and crew, a review of a published Trek short story […]
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