Two True Freaks Episode 362 – Podcasting Tips!
Well, it’s a fifth Monday and The Freaks have polled the listeners for the topic of this show and IGNORED EVERY SUGGESTION. Instead, spurred by a Facebook thread, Scott Gardner, […]
Join Scott McGregor, Paul Spataro, Dr. Bill Robinson and a TRINITY of Chris’ (Warden, Tyler and Honeywell) as they discuss the latest Marvel movie offering – THE WOLVERINE! Did they pitch an ADAMANTIUM TENT in their pants or did they want to FRY IT LIKE A SENTINAL? SPOILERS ABOUND – SO TREAD LIGHTLY! Also slight sidelines are made to The Amazing Spider Man 2, Elysium and Z(H)ack Snyder! Miss it at your OWN RISK!
MadminW July 28, 2013
Well, it’s a fifth Monday and The Freaks have polled the listeners for the topic of this show and IGNORED EVERY SUGGESTION. Instead, spurred by a Facebook thread, Scott Gardner, […]
2021 DiManzicorp Podcast Network
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