Episode 331- Eastrail 177 Trilogy 2020 Rewatch
In this week’s adventure, Magnus completes the 2020 annual rewatch of the Eastrail 177 trilogy. While doing so, stuff that should’ve been mentioned in the big Eastrail 177 retrospective came […]
Trentus Magnus Punches Reality
MadminW August 3, 2020 66 1
Magnus has suggested more than once that the mainstream comics industry is not long for this world. So if DC, for example, ceases to public comics and licenses their characters out to other publishers, what might that be like? How might a post-DC Superman play out?
It’s quite a thought experiment.
After that, it’s time discuss some more feedback.
MadminW July 27, 2020
In this week’s adventure, Magnus completes the 2020 annual rewatch of the Eastrail 177 trilogy. While doing so, stuff that should’ve been mentioned in the big Eastrail 177 retrospective came […]
2021 DiManzicorp Podcast Network