Episode 327- The Absolute State Of Comics
In this week’s adventure, Magnus re-records something he originally recorded back in February, when things were less crazy than they are now. Since some of the things said back in […]
Trentus Magnus Punches Reality
MadminW July 6, 2020 178
In this week’s adventure, Magnus joins forces with Dave “Yes, That One” Atteberry to discuss 1987’s The Lost Boys. And, as a matter of sad coincidence, Joel Schumacher passed away recently.
In any case, Magnus and Atteberry crank the Nostalgic Affection up to 11 as they fawn lovingly over this 80’s classic. What went right, what went *REALLY* right and what went really *AWESOME* are all put under the microscope as Magnus and Atteberry pull no punches with their analysis.
So what more do you want to hear? Start listening right now before some weirdo vampire chick shows up outside your window.
MadminW June 29, 2020
In this week’s adventure, Magnus re-records something he originally recorded back in February, when things were less crazy than they are now. Since some of the things said back in […]
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