Trentus Magnus Punches Reality

Episode 326- Magnus Loves Wizard- Wizard #44, April 1995

MadminW June 22, 2020 58

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In this week’s adventure, Magnus takes a stroll down memory lane by cracking open Wizard #44 from April 1995. There’s some serious trouble going on with comic book distribution in April 1995. Just like now, but less so. Except back then, people understood that monopolies were bad.

To put it another way, it’s a time capsule from when the entire comic industry wasn’t suffering from Stockholm Syndrome.

Plenty of Marvel stuff is going on in this issue, that’s the point.

Another fun bit of business involves a joint quasi-interview with J. Scott Campbell and Brandon Choi as they yammer about the then upcoming Gen13 ongoing series. Some tantalizing tidbits there. Although, really, it’s more like an article that includes quotes from Campbell and Choi than an actual interview. But what the hay, it’s still good!

After that comes goings on with Chuck Dixon in a bit more of an in-depth retrospective of his whole career up to that point. At least, it’s more in-depth than the Campbell/Choi feature.

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