Episode 270 – Star Trek Monthly Monday 42
Due to a FREAK TRANSPORTER ACCIDENT, the CLASSIC Trek and TNG Monthly Monday formats have been melded together into one CHERON-LIKE episode! This month, The Freaks are joined by one […]
It’s a short, sweet, and to the point episode as the Freaks examine two more episodes of Star Trek: The Next Generation, THE DAUPHIN and CONTAGION! In what seems to be a WORLD TURNED UPSIDE-DOWN, Scott actually LIKES a Wesley Crusher episode! Then – find out what happens when the Enterprise neglects to install NORTON ANTI-VIRUS on the ship’s computer!
Chris Honeywell July 9, 2012
Due to a FREAK TRANSPORTER ACCIDENT, the CLASSIC Trek and TNG Monthly Monday formats have been melded together into one CHERON-LIKE episode! This month, The Freaks are joined by one […]
2021 DiManzicorp Podcast Network
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