Episode 266 – Spoiler Filled Prometheus Review
Chris Honeywell is joined by Jonathan Crites in this IN-DEPTH and SPOILER filled review of Ridley Scott’s highly anticipated PROMETHEUS. Seriously, save this one for AFTER you’ve seen the film. […]
King Kong Month finishes up with Peter Jackson’s epic 2005 version of KING KONG! Joining the Freaks this time is Chris “I Can’t Stay Mad At That Monkey” Tyler! Not enough dinosaurs in the last Kong for you? Well batten down the hatches bucko, you’re getting eight million dinosaurs, fifteen zillion crawly bugs, dozens of tons of angry monkey AND the kitchen sink thrown at you in this one! See the breathtaking recreation of 1930’s New York, and then watch Kong BEND, FOLD, STAPLE, SPINDLE AND MUTILATE IT! A special shout out to listener Caleb Gerard for pointing out an appropriate bit of MONKEY MUSIC for this episode!
MadminW June 20, 2012
Chris Honeywell is joined by Jonathan Crites in this IN-DEPTH and SPOILER filled review of Ridley Scott’s highly anticipated PROMETHEUS. Seriously, save this one for AFTER you’ve seen the film. […]
2021 DiManzicorp Podcast Network
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