TITANIC Remembered
Join host Scott Gardner for a very special and deeply personal episode commemorating the 100th anniversary of the tragedy that shook the world — The Sinking of the RMS TITANIC […]
It’s a BONUS MONDAY! Join The Hair Metal Hero, Luke Jaconetti and Chris Honeywell as they give the upcoming Summer movies the ol’ HAIRY EYEBALL. Of course all the superhero heavy hitters are here, The Avengers, the arachnid and even the FLYING RAT, but the summer is not completely dominated by men in tights, Prometheus and Cabin In The Woods are giving the HORROR HOUNDS something to bite into! HEAR Luke and the Hero SQUEAL LIKE LITTLE GIRLS at the prospect of the new GI Joe movie! FEEL YOUR JAW DROP as Chris somehow confuses Sanford And Son with Hellraiser! Liam Neeson RELEASES THE BATTLESHIP! The Men In Black rip off Back To The Future and BOOBIES ARE BACK in Piranha 3DD! Abe Lincoln and Tim Burton take on BLOOD-SUCKERS and Hollywood mates up Snow White and Twilight! And, of course, MORE!
MadminW April 10, 2012
Join host Scott Gardner for a very special and deeply personal episode commemorating the 100th anniversary of the tragedy that shook the world — The Sinking of the RMS TITANIC […]
2021 DiManzicorp Podcast Network
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