Episode 228 – Hook Movie Commentary
What’s that under the tree? Shake it! OOOOH! It sounds like Spielberg! What are you waiting for? TEAR INTO THAT SUCKER! Yes the Freaks FINALLY get to give some appreciation […]
Yeah, yeah, the title makes this episode sound all serious. Truthfully, the Freaks just got lazy and did a free-for-all topic show. The discussion is all over the map – SOPA and trying to put the genie back in the bottle, Disney’s plans for Avatar land and the Freak’s desire for STAR WARS WORLD and a spirited discussion on the Star Trek flavors the Freaks HAVEN’T been covering. Scott sticks up for George Lucas and discusses his plan to see Episode 1 in GLORIOUS 2-D! Expect GENERAL TOMFOOLERY! (Disclaimer – General Tomfoolery has been CUT from the show because his language is in violation of new internet decency laws!)
MadminW December 19, 2011
What’s that under the tree? Shake it! OOOOH! It sounds like Spielberg! What are you waiting for? TEAR INTO THAT SUCKER! Yes the Freaks FINALLY get to give some appreciation […]
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