Trentus Magnus Jabs Reality- File-Sharing No More
Magnus chit-chats about file-sharing and why the practice no longer occurs in Casa de la Magnus in a hopefully friendly, non-confrontational way. About Post Author Trentus Magnus See author's posts
Trentus Magnus January 23, 2018 6
Sometimes you hear a song and that’s all it takes. Full rant achievement unlocked! And so in this week’s adventure, Magnus winds down the Cover Date: 1991 by getting fired up about what is arguably the worst song of the entire 90’s.
“Arguable” because this song was released in the same decade as the Macarena but who can say for sure, right?
As it relates to comics, though, coming under review this week is Spider-Man #06. To call this the high point of all Todd McFarlane’s work on Spider-Man is a stretch. To call it the high point of his run on Adjectiveless Spider-Man is, well, arguable.
The highs, the lows, the good, the bad, the awful, it’s all recounted here in glorious ear-popping detail.
So what else needs to be said? Start listening right now or else the Hobgoblin will transform an innocent child into a monster or something.
Due to the avalanche of awesomeness, there’s just no time for listener feedback this week. But Magnus has slowly been getting caught up lately. There’s been some feedback recently and there’s more coming soon! So don’t be left out! You too can offer your feeble effort at tribute whenever you want! Yes indeed, you humble serfs are always welcome to kiss your benevolent leader’s ring. Corrupt DiManzocorp interns are ready, willing, able and eager to accept your bribe to present your meager missives to your wise emperor. The email address to use is as the other seems to be having technical problems.
In an another sublime act of truly ball-shriveling magnanimity, your emperor permits you lowly rabble to suggest topics for a future episode. Thus, requests may be sent to for the aforementioned corrupt DiManzocorp interns (who probably lack souls) to review, whereupon your leader might consider thinking about the possibility of potentially discussing whatever you have in mind some day. And that’s a promise!
Trentus Magnus January 21, 2018
Magnus chit-chats about file-sharing and why the practice no longer occurs in Casa de la Magnus in a hopefully friendly, non-confrontational way. About Post Author Trentus Magnus See author's posts
2021 DiManzicorp Podcast Network
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