
Episode 204- The Way of All Stolen Memories- Superman: The Animated Series commentaries

Trentus Magnus June 13, 2017 7

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In this week’s ball-remembering episode, by popular demand Magnus offers up commentary on two (you can count ’em if you want, *TWO*) episodes of Superman- The Animated Series:

Stolen Memories and The Way of All Flesh

Did Magnus love these episodes? Despise them? Would saying so here ruin the surprise? Of course it would.

For those of you who contribute to the creative bankruptcy of the Internet by sharing idiotic click-bait, “You won’t believe what Magnus thinks of Superman- The Animated Series!”

How’s that for a tease, eh? Eh, listeners? Eh? How’s that for a tease, eh?

So what are you waiting for? Start listening right now or else Brainiac will shrink you down, imprison you in a bottle and feed you to Metallo or something.

Due to the avalanche of awesomeness, there’s just no time for listener feedback this week. But Magnus is slowly getting caught up so don’t be left out! You too can offer your feeble effort at tribute whenever you want! Yes indeed, you humble serfs are always welcome to kiss your benevolent leader’s ring. Corrupt DiManzocorp interns are ready, willing, able and eager to accept your bribe to present your meager missives to your wise emperor. The email address to use is trentusmagnus@gmail.com as the other seems to be having technical problems.

In an another sublime act of truly ball-shriveling magnanimity, your emperor permits you lowly rabble to suggest topics for a future episode. Thus, requests may be sent to trentusmagnus@gmail.com for the aforementioned corrupt DiManzocorp interns (who probably lack souls) to review, whereupon your leader might consider thinking about the possibility of potentially discussing whatever you have in mind some day. And that’s a promise!

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