In this week’s ball-beginning episode, Magnus continues a megaseries epic of epic meganess.
For a long time, the focus of Trentus Magnus Punches Reality has been narrowed to comic books. Because everybody love comics, right? But there should be more to geekdom than just comics.
Magnus sure thinks so! And as your leader, what Magnus believes should be your only concern.
So beginning last week and continuing this week is the aforementioned epic megaseries of epic meganess or something in which Magnus looks back at two separate movie franchises. Or an entire movie franchise in one case and the beginnings of a different franchise in another case.
Up next this week is Batman Begins. Professor Alan of the Relatively Geeky Network is on-hand for the festivities as well in order to keep His Excellency on task. So in case you fear another instance of Magnus going into a foaming frenzy over something, fear not! The good professor is here to keep everything mature and erudite.
So what more do you need? Start listening now or Batman will attach a zip tie to your foot and hang you off a building.
Due to the blitzkrieg of badassitude this week, unfortunately there’s just no time for listener feedback this week. But don’t cry about it, some is coming in the future!
So dry your eyes! Use the time wisely! This would be an opportune time to send in any feedback you may have as the vault could get totally cleared out of feedback in the relatively near future. So get to writing!
In the meantime, though, don’t let the lack of feedback this time get you down! You can still offer your feeble effort at tribute! You humble serfs are always welcome to kiss your benevolent leader’s ring. Corrupt DiManzocorp interns are ready, willing, able and eager to accept your bribe to present your meager missives to your wise emperor. The email address to use is as the other seems to be having technical problems.
In an another sublime act of truly unprecedented charity, your emperor permits you lowly rabble to suggest topics for a future episode. Thus, petitions may be sent to for DiManzocorp interns to review, whereupon your leader might consider thinking about the possibility of potentially discussing whatever you have in mind some day. And that’s a promise!
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