Episode 136 – Hetalia
In this fourth Monday episode, Chris is joined by Hope Mullinax and her best pal Maegan Mercer-Bourne as they give him the rundown on the anime, web comic, comic and […]
If you listen to the show, then you know that Chris is a sucker for a talking dog. Well this time he may have found the greatest talking dog in TV history. His name is Wilfred and he has pieces of Scooby-Doo in his stool! This Australian series is funny, creepy, sly, subtle and charming! Want more details? LISTEN IN – IT’S JUST 5 OR 10 MINUTES OUT OF YOUR LIFE, SHEESH! In the meantime, check out the short film that started it all!
MadminW August 23, 2010
In this fourth Monday episode, Chris is joined by Hope Mullinax and her best pal Maegan Mercer-Bourne as they give him the rundown on the anime, web comic, comic and […]
2021 DiManzicorp Podcast Network
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