Episode 123 – Star Trek Monthly Monday #20
Welcome back to “Two True Freaks!” Star Trek Monthly Mondays — The BEST Star Trek Podcast on the Internet!! This month, The Freaks start off the show with a discussion […]
The internet’s BEST Star Trek Podcast Returns for yet another exciting installment!!
But… what’s going on here?! By some weird coincidence, BOTH episodes of Star Trek this episode feature the Enterprise crew fighting greasy-faced enemies for some powerful alien’s mysterious purposes! First in the original series episode “The Day Of The Dove” and then in the Next Generation episode “Hide And Q”! What is it about omnipotent aliens that makes them such a royal pain in the ass? The Freaks bring in Trek experts Jon M. Wilson (of the Amazing Spider-Man Classics Podcast), Juan Schwartz of the Andorian Cosplayers Society (San Francisco chapter), and Michael Bailey (of the Views From The Longbox Podcast) to ponder this question. Finally, things are coming to a serious head in the Mirror Universe story arc in DC Comics’ Star Trek issue 14, where it seems once again to be Kirk Vs. EVERYONE! Guess who wins?
NOTE — The Two True Freaks! now have a phone line where you can call and leave a completely inappropriate message – We just might use it on the show! It’s 585-COP-LURE!! ( 1-585-267-5873 )
MadminW June 14, 2010
Welcome back to “Two True Freaks!” Star Trek Monthly Mondays — The BEST Star Trek Podcast on the Internet!! This month, The Freaks start off the show with a discussion […]
2021 DiManzicorp Podcast Network
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