
Episode 109- Big Book Report- Weirdos (with Chris Honeywell)

Trentus Magnus August 18, 2015 20

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In this week’s ball-haunting episode, Extinction Level Event may be over but the fun’s just getting started! That’s right! This week marks two years of His Excellency kicking some awesome science onto all your lame asses.

But that’s not all! This week Magnus is once again rejoined by loyal sidekick Chris “Happy Anniversary” Honeywell for yet another entry in the Big Book Report series!

And not just *ANY* Big Book either. Nope! This week is all about the Big Book of Weirdos.

Listen as one of the Big Book Reporters tries to hold one of history’s more reviled figures morally responsible for his actions. Thrill as the other Big Book Reporter doesn’t believe a word of it! Gasp as the Big Book Reporters rant about e-cigs, modern consumerism and elements of the entertainment industrial complex! Tremble in fear as the Reporters speculate on demonology and talk around their own experiences with the subject! Drool in slack-jawed astonishment the Reporters JUST WON’T SHUT UP!

Is that enough hype yet?

If not, and for those of you who are determined to ruin the Internet for everyone else by perpetuating click-bait on Facebook, “You won’t believe what one of the Big Book Reporters says about Hitler!”

Because of the epic splendor wrought by your emperor and his loyal podcasting vassal, there’s just no time for feedback this week. But that’s okay because Extinction Level Event didn’t have any either and look how that turned out! Besides feedback is coming soon. Patience!

Even so, that shouldn’t discourage you from offering your feeble attempt at tribute! The rest of you humble serfs are always welcome to pay your feeble attempts at homage to your leader. DiManzocorp interns are ready, willing, able and eager to accept bribes to present your meager missives to your wise leader. The email address to use is excellency@trentusmagnus.com, whereupon your leader might consider thinking about the possibility of potentially discussing whatever you have in mind some day. And that’s a promise!

In an another sublime act of unprecedented charity, the leader permits you lowly rabble to kiss his ring regarding this or any other episode. Thus, notes of loyalty may be sent to excellency@trentusmagnus.com for DiManzocorp interns to review.

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