Earth Destruction Directive Gaiden 13 – “You Shouldn’t Have Come Here!”
“You’re a good buncha boys to die with!” Welcome to Skull Island, surrounded on all sides by a perpetual storm system, and unexplored by man… until now. Of course, there’s […]
THE POWER IS ON! Get ready for the new big screen adventure of a team of Teenagers With Attitude by revisiting the original! Chris “Hair Metal Hero” and I look back into hallowed antiquity — the mid-90s — and take a look at Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers: The Movie! It’s a trip back to Angel Grove, but is it a trip worth taking? Or should we just let Ivan Ooze take out the Rangers for good? You’ll have to download to find out! AND MAY THE POWER PROTECT YOU!
Earth Destruction Directive
Vault of startling monster horror tales of terror (shared)
Get Back To the Wrestling (shared)
Earth Destruction Directive Vault of startling monster horror tales of terror (shared) Get Back To the Wrestling (shared)
Luke Jaconetti March 13, 2017
“You’re a good buncha boys to die with!” Welcome to Skull Island, surrounded on all sides by a perpetual storm system, and unexplored by man… until now. Of course, there’s […]
2021 DiManzicorp Podcast Network
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