Dinner 4 Geeks Epsiode 94: Bestr Treks and Celebration Picks.
THe Geeks, minus Jeff, convene this week as ROn finally shows what’s in his big box, plus the guys talk about their favorite Star Trek episodes, plus they make their […]
The Geeks have a brief discussion about the new Marvel Star Wars #1 before they nsegue into the meat of the discussion, their HBO Mixtapes!
This Episode of D4G was recorded at Zachry’s Seafood and Steak on 1/22/15. http:zachrys-restaurant.com
Scott Ryfun February 2, 2015
THe Geeks, minus Jeff, convene this week as ROn finally shows what’s in his big box, plus the guys talk about their favorite Star Trek episodes, plus they make their […]
2021 DiManzicorp Podcast Network
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