Dinner 4 Geeks Episode 85: Our Final Halloween Episode
THat’s right! We have determined that as of this episode, we have already said everything about Halloween that we possibly can, so this is it. Enjoy it while you can. […]
Well,after a slight delay due to Real Life interference (we’ve got find a way to eliminate Real Life so it can’t interfere any more!), the Geeks are back, and, yes they’re having dinner.
Ron’s back from his travels and he tells us about his trip to the Super Hero Museum in Elkhart, IN. Ryan shows us some customs that he says he will send us photos of for the facebook page. We’ll see.Scott gives an update on how things are progressing with the new My Star Wars Story podcast, and if you haven’t tried it, you should. Scott also talks about his trip into Steve Glosson’s awesome Geek Out Loud studio. Ryan gets a gift from the super-talented Mark Kalmbach, and solicits a giveaway! THat’s right, we’re doing a giveaway! Listen to find out. We also read some listneer email and dicsuss out favorite candies.
This episode of D4G was recorded on 10/30/14 at Zachry’s Seafood and Steak http://zachrys-restaurant.com.
Feedback can be sent to geeks@dinner4geeks.com
To ask Ron’s Beard for advice, email ronsbeard@dinner4geeks.com
To win a free skull, email whatsitcalled@dinner4geeks.com
Scott Ryfun October 27, 2014
THat’s right! We have determined that as of this episode, we have already said everything about Halloween that we possibly can, so this is it. Enjoy it while you can. […]
2021 DiManzicorp Podcast Network
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