Dinner 4 Geeks Episode 78: Cooonnnnn!!!!
The Geeks, minus Jeff, discuss cons that are coming soon to their area, Amelia Island Con and Jekyll Island Con, one of which they are planning on going to, one […]
Scott Ryfun September 1, 2014 11
The Geeks continue their Jeffless voyage through dinner. Matt shows off his recent VERY cheap ebay purchase. Scott annoucnes the launch of a new podcast, My Star Wars Story. By the way, we’re looking for your Star Wars stories. If you want to participate, send an email to story@mystarwarsstory.com. There’s even discussion about the launch of Scott’s new website, Marvelstarwars.com. Ron mentions the disturbing announcement about Hello Kitty’s species identity announcement. NFL pencils? yeah, we had ’em. Gumball machine football helmets? Had those too. Our attention turns briefly to preparation for Jekyll Island Comic Con. Find more info at http://jekyllislandcomiccon . We skim Willow briefly on the way to Scott’s review of the first novel of the new canon, John Jackson Miller’s Star Wars: A New Dawn. In a rare moment, Scott talks about a change he would have made to Attack of teh Clones. Matt talks about his disappointment with Sin City: A Dame to Kill For. We briefly touch on the new Doctor nd Guardians of the Galaxy. Oh, and Ace Frehley’s new album debuted in the Billboard Top 10 this week. We can’t NOT talk about that. Plus, not one but TWO drunken renditions of Happy Birthday by the patrons of the Zachry’s bar. It just doesn’t get any better than this.This episode of Dinner 4 Geeks was recorded live 8/28/14. http://zachrys-restaurant.com
Scott Ryfun August 24, 2014
The Geeks, minus Jeff, discuss cons that are coming soon to their area, Amelia Island Con and Jekyll Island Con, one of which they are planning on going to, one […]
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