Dinner 4 Geeks Episode 25: The Bird on My Snaggletooth is Silver
The title of the episode is used but is only tangential to the action. However, it does sound like one of the all-time greatest pickup lines, so we used it […]
Here it is! The audio of the Dinner 4 Geeks panel at Ancient City Con 7 in Jacksonville, Florida. We paid good gas money to drive down and we even had to buy tickets to the convention to get in to host our panel (I wish I were kidding about that), and we had practically no one in the room who wasn’t related to one of us. One the other hand, we had the room to ourselves, the acoustics were great, and we had a good laugh at all the people who poked their heads in the door thinking we were SERVING a dinner for geeks. Along the way, we discuss cons in general and Man of Steel!
Scott Ryfun July 8, 2013
The title of the episode is used but is only tangential to the action. However, it does sound like one of the all-time greatest pickup lines, so we used it […]
2021 DiManzicorp Podcast Network
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