Dinner 4 Geeks Episode 23: Thirty-One Inches of Awesomeness
Scott recaps a trip to Star Wars Weekends, which does include his full 31 inches of awesomeness. Ron went to the barber. After we slagged Star Trek Into Darkness the […]
Ron’s missing! As in, not there, so all you Ron fans are in for a big disappointment. What do you mean which one is he? Jeff and Scott reminisce about 4th of July and Jeff’s birthday and the connection between the two. And Ryan reminisces about that terrific Velvet Jones movie.
Scott Ryfun June 23, 2013
Scott recaps a trip to Star Wars Weekends, which does include his full 31 inches of awesomeness. Ron went to the barber. After we slagged Star Trek Into Darkness the […]
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