Dinner 4 Geeks Episode 21: Spoiler Alert!
No, seriously, this episode is about spoilers and how sacred they are, and what the shelf life is on them. That having been said, we discuss a LOT of classic […]
Yes, for whatever reason everything leads back to a Hitler joke. Are hitlers jokes appropriate? Probably not, but what the hell? It’s just dinner, right? We get Ron’s take on Star Trek Into Darkness. The sad, sad, sad history of toy adapatations leads to a discussion about what kind of toy adaptation Ryan would like to make. And for good measure, since making repeated Hitler jokes wasn’t enough, we start making a few racist jokes, too! I would say you had to be there, but through the magic of podcasting you ARE there. God help you.
Scott Ryfun June 8, 2013
No, seriously, this episode is about spoilers and how sacred they are, and what the shelf life is on them. That having been said, we discuss a LOT of classic […]
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