Charlies Geekcast

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Charlies Geekcast

Charlie’s Geekcast — Geeking on “Superman in the Bronze Age: Promo

Charlie Niemeyer February 6, 2020

Promo for Geeking on “Superman in the Bronze Age” Feedback for this show can be sent to: You can subscribe to Charlie’s Geekcast through Apple Podcasts, the RSS Feed, Google Podcasts, Amazon Podcasts, Stitcher, TuneIn Radio, Pandora, IHeartRadio, or Spotify. You can also visit the show’s Facebook group page. […]

Charlies Geekcast
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Charlies Geekcast

Charlie’s Geekcast Episode 33 — Geeking on Transformers S2 – “Day of the Machines” and “Enter the Nightbird”

Charlie Niemeyer August 20, 2019

One last time, at least until my schedule opens up a bit, we return to 1985 for 2 more episode of The Transformers. This time out, Megatron takes control of a super-computer, and uses it to take control of all sorts of machines, including oil tankers (remember Superman III?). Then, […]

Charlies Geekcast
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Charlies Geekcast

Charlie’s Geekcast Episode 32 — Geeking on Transformers S2 – “The Autobot Run” and “Atlantis, Arise!”

Charlie Niemeyer August 13, 2019

Once again we delve back into 1985 for some more Transformers goodness. In “Autobot Run”, the Decepticons create a ray that locks the Autobots into vehicle mode. In “Atlantis, Arise!” the Decepticons discover the lost city of Atlantis, and team up with the Atlantians to invade Washington DC!

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