Hot off the presses! Recorded mere hours ago is this week’s ball-battling episode, wherein Magnus is joined by Jon M. Wilson for the final time (for now) to talk about their first impressions of Batman v Superman- Dawn of Justice.
This Superman/Batman megaseries has been all about saluting Batman comics, Superman comics and Batman & Superman comics! But those things are all behind us now! And now it’s time to gab about the movie, which was the entire point of this exercise to begin with!
The title of this week’s episode was generously provided by Todd Strickland, one of His Excellency’s loyal subjects.
This week the discussion is (relatively) short, sweet and to the point; exactly one hour and 32 minutes of badass discussion.
For those determined to ruin the Internet for everyone else by perpetuating click-bait on Facebook, “Can you believe the conspiracy theory about Batman’s dream that Magnus laid out?!”
Due to the avalanche of bare-chested awesomeness in this week’s show, unfortunately there was just no time for listener feedback this week.
A plan has been formed to be deal with the backlog of feedback but it’s far too early to go into details beyond that. Even so, fear not, loyal subjects! Your leader will reveal all in due course.
In the meantime, don’t let the lack of feedback this time get you down! You can still offer your feeble effort at tribute! You humble serfs are always welcome to kiss your benevolent leader’s ring. Corrupt DiManzocorp interns are ready, willing, able and eager to accept your bribe to present your meager missives to your wise emperor. The email address to use is as the other seems to be having technical problems.
In an another sublime act of truly unprecedented charity, the leader permits you lowly rabble to suggest topics for a future episode. Thus, petitions may be sent to for DiManzocorp interns to review, whereupon your leader might consider thinking about the possibility of potentially discussing whatever you have in mind some day. And that’s a promise!
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