Trentus Magnus Jabs Reality- A Tale Of Two Prequels
The Star Wars prequels and The Hobbit trilogy? Yes sir, there’s gold in them thar hills. Tarnished, lackluster and greatly devalued gold. But gold nevertheless! And so Magnus goes looking for it!
The Star Wars prequels and The Hobbit trilogy? Yes sir, there’s gold in them thar hills. Tarnished, lackluster and greatly devalued gold. But gold nevertheless! And so Magnus goes looking for it!
And now for something completely different. This week, Magnus makes good on a threat posted in the Facebook group to talk about some bizarre occurrences from the old freelancing days. Yes, technically this should be another episode of Weird Stuff but scheduling just didn’t permit it.
Every year, Magnus rewatches the Lord Of The Rings trilogy. Also rewatched is the Maple Films fan edit of The Hobbit.
Magnus rewatches the Lord Of The Rings trilogy and shares some thoughts.
Batman’s Series Finale ends here. The idea behind this retrospective is to explain how Hush is the conclusion of Batman’s story in His Excellency’s head canon. This isn’t The End in a definite sense. It’s just where Magnus chooses to say the Post-Crisis Batman’s story wraps up. This method of […]
Magnus gabs about #Comicsgate. Is this crossing the Rubicon?
Batman’s Series Finale begins ending as the mega series starts winding down to the onset of the conclusion of the final laps of the start of the end. Oh, and Magnus also talks about the Hush special from Wizard magazine. Because why not? Y’know?
Zack Snyder joined Vero and has posted about the DCEU. Posted about it a lot, in fact.
Feedback from Gene Hendricks leads into something Magnus didn’t have time to talk about in the five year anniversary show.