Hey Kids, Comics! S04E22 Spotlight On Garth Ennis
More of the same silliness and banter about comics. You know what to expect by now. Except with added Garth Ennis! Coverage of Preacher #18, Hitman #8 & War Stories – D-Day Dodgers.
More of the same silliness and banter about comics. You know what to expect by now. Except with added Garth Ennis! Coverage of Preacher #18, Hitman #8 & War Stories – D-Day Dodgers.
On the Eve of Micheal’s 17th birthday, he wrests control of the HeyKids Spotlight and shines it on his pick. Can you guess what it is, yet? Coverage of Batman #700, All-Star Superman #6 and The Invisibles #1
Andrew stands upon the roof of HeyKids Towers and shines the HeyKids spotlight on … PETER DAVID! 3 issues of David excellence in which Mike and Andrew talk about why the Star Trek movie GENERATIONS sucks, humour in comics and terminal diseases! Oh and at 1hr 15m Andrew does a […]
What will be discussed in the email section this week? Your guess is as good as mine at this point but Micheal then has an uphill battle with his Spotlight, trying to convince Andrew about the merits of Frank Quietly. Does he succeed? There is only one way to find […]
Email discussion about Dark Knight Rises (again!) leads to a heated debate about a future JLA movie before Michael and Andrew turn the Key Kids Spotlight on John Byrne with a trifecta of stupendous stories from his golden period Alpha Flight 1, FF 250 and Batman/Captain America.
Micheal and Andrew look at the seminal Tales Of The Teen Titans story – The Judas Contract! Learn of the evil of Tara Markov, the debut of Nightwing and wonder how a British Col was in Vietnam! Fun for all but there may be SPOILERS for Dark Knight Rises in […]
Micheal and Andrew take a look at one of the best pure super hero books on the market as they round up Nu52 month with The Flash issues 1-6!
The tangents come fast and furious as the emails lead Micheal and Andrew down paths that probably include GI JOE! Then, Micheal picks Animal Man as his next case in the Nu52 Court. Download all this free entertainment now or your ears will fall off!
The Nu52 continues where we takes a look at a a comic that 10 years ago would have been a Vertigo book but today? Not so much. Swamp Thing! But before that, Andrew and Micheal watch The Dark Knight Rises (SPOILERS) and then go off on more tangents in the […]