Two True Freaks Episode 515 – Star Wars Monthly Monday 66
THAT’S RIGHT! Sometimes it might take about 30 years for a new issue of a comic to come out, but if it is your SOLEMN MANDATE to cover each and […]
Scott H. Gardner March 12, 2020 79
We interrupt your regularly scheduled podcast to bring you our SPECIAL Star Wars: The Clone Wars review episode!! The Freaks spend a few minutes speculating on the new film prior to screening it, then come back with a full-blown discussion of what they thought of it!!
“Yousa guys are bombad!!” — Gungan listener J.J. Binks, just prior to his disembowelment.
Feedback for this show can be sent to: starwars@twotruefreaks.com
Two True Freaks! is a proud member of BOTH the Comics Podcast Network (http://www.comicspodcasts.com/) and the League of Comic Book Podcasts (http://www.comicbooknoise.com/league/)!!
Follow the fun on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/groups/113051642052970/
THANK YOU for listening to Two True Freaks!!
Chris Honeywell June 30, 2019
THAT’S RIGHT! Sometimes it might take about 30 years for a new issue of a comic to come out, but if it is your SOLEMN MANDATE to cover each and […]
2021 DiManzicorp Podcast Network
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