3rd Degree Byrne

A continuation of More things to read during the Corona Virus Lockdown

Tim Elliott April 21, 2020 19

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Let me ask you a question: Have you read any of the X-Men: Elsewhen that John Byrne has been releasing on his own site?

WHY NOT?!?!?!?

Holy crap! Do you not realize what you are missing?

New John Byrne X-Men art. And we are not talking the current roster. We are talking from the 1970 and early 1980 heyday when Byrne and Claremont were making great stories like the Beatles made great songs.

We live in wondrous times and yet scary times.

X-Men Elsewhen is free to read, just gotta go to his site, link below.

So we are talking more Elsewhen. I hope you are listening. With Tim Elliott still on assignment (read: unboxing stuff in his new home) Brian Hughes calls back Intern John Hyatt and brand new guest, long time listener and feedback writer, Kirk Greenfield.

Kirk, John and Brian pick up from our last show and go over issues 5 and 6 of the FanFic that Byrne has been giving us straight from the pencil.

So while you are still holed up and looking for something to do, check out our latest episode and let it take you away from that Corona Virus Lockdown for just a little while.

Are you still trying to figure out where this free fan fiction can be found?

You can find it here: http://byrnerobotics.com/forum/forum_topics.asp?FID=6

You can find the podcast Kirk Greenfield did with his daughter, “Imperius Rex: Confessions of a Serial Surface Invader” athttps://serialsurfaceinvaders.tumblr.com/

3rd Degree Byrne is proud to be part of the TwoTrueFreaks Internet Radio Network http://twotruefreaks.

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Tim Elliott

3rd Degree Byrne.

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