The Media Masochist #4 – A Serbian Film (Srpski Film)- Most EVIL Movie Ever?
When Chris has had a hard day at work, or his girlfriend has dumped him and hooked up with that stupid drummer or his rent is late and his dog […]
Another listener has issued another challenge! This time the “winner” is the outrageously inept monstrosity “The Room” by badfilm auteur Tommy Ziseau. Can Chris watch this hideous abortion of a movie to completion, or will he have to cough up his $50 prize? Speaking of coughing up – it is worth mentioning that today’s screening is all the more challenging because Mr. Honeywell has taken a dose of NyQuil to combat his brutal chest-cold! Excelsior!
Chris Honeywell August 3, 2010
When Chris has had a hard day at work, or his girlfriend has dumped him and hooked up with that stupid drummer or his rent is late and his dog […]
Chris Honeywell March 24, 2021
Chris Honeywell March 23, 2021
2021 DiManzicorp Podcast Network
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