Episode 279 – Shag and Scott (eventually) Talk About Everything
This time ’round, Scott H. Gardner brings you a SPECIAL presentation, recorded just a few weeks ago in which he and good buddy (and fellow podcaster), the Irredeemable Shag, visit […]
It’s an EPIC BEGINNING to our INSANELY EPIC coverage of the INCOMPREHENSIBLY EPIC Star Wars Celebration VI! As it always does, it begins in the car with Scott Gardner picking up Chris Honeywell after his 32 hour bus adventure. Add Dave (The DLA) Atteberry, Chris (Hair Metal Hero) Tyler and Shawn (Joe “Guy With The Snappy Middle Name” Anthrax) Engel to the mix and things begin to get HILARIOUSLY NERDY. Add Flipper’s Buffalo Chicken pizza to the mix and travel someplace that no podcast (thankfully) has been to before and hopefully ever again. It’s MAGIC! Speaking of magic, hear Scott recount his behind-the-scenes look at the Haunted Mansion and take a couple spins across the galaxy on Star Tours, where you get to hear Dave Atteberry utter the most hilariously passive-aggressive “May The Force Be With You” ever! The G.P.S. is cursed, the indigent are mocked and we haven’t even walked into the front door of the con yet! Be prepared for a month of GONZO PODCASTING!
MadminW August 17, 2012
This time ’round, Scott H. Gardner brings you a SPECIAL presentation, recorded just a few weeks ago in which he and good buddy (and fellow podcaster), the Irredeemable Shag, visit […]
2021 DiManzicorp Podcast Network
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