Just One Of The Guys Episode #107
Hey there folks, and welcome back to another episode of Just One of the Guys, a podcast that is 100% Hagman free. I hope you enjoyed Dave Weter and my […]
It’s Friday, I’m in love…with covering Green Lantern comics! Okay, all allusions to Robert Smith and the Cure aside, it’s time for a review of another Green Lantern comic, and this time out it’s a whole new Green Lantern, as Jenny Lynn Hayden is taking on the mantle of Earth’s GL while Kyle is off gallavanting throughspace. But her first outing as Green Lantern might be her last as she encounters a plant based villainess named Spore, in some ways an evil female analogue to Swamp Thing. But Jenny doesn’t go the fight alone as she goes to recruit the greatest heroine of the DC Universe, Wonder Woman. Will the two defeat the mossy menace? Will they wake Queen Hippolyta from her mid-day nap? And wlll they give an adequate explanation of just WHAT the JLA teleporters do that makes them feel all tingly in their lady parts (and talk slow when they do)? All of this will be answered when my U.S.1 podcast host, Jay Ferguson and I tackle this issue. So unless you want to incur the wrath of 90’s Aquaman, I suggest you grab your mp3 player of choice, download the show, and get to listening!
MadminW April 4, 2014
Hey there folks, and welcome back to another episode of Just One of the Guys, a podcast that is 100% Hagman free. I hope you enjoyed Dave Weter and my […]
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