Just One Of The Guys Episode #99
Hello again future people, and thanks for listening to this 99th episode of Just One of the Guys, a Green Lantern podcast. This time on the show, J David Weter […]
Yes, dear friends, what started out as a harmless April Fools Day joke turned into a full fledged look into one of Marvel’s more contorversial comics, the Al Milgrom, Frank Springer, and now Steve Ditko collaberation known as U.S.1! This episode, Jay Ferguson and I look at the last two issues of this maligned maxi-series and discuss the faults and merits of it all. Was it truly the train wreck people have made it out to be? Was Steve Ditko’s art able to save the final issue. Is Retread the most annoying character ever created? The answers may surprise you. As will the revelation that U.S. Archer and other members from this book have shown up in other Marvel continuity, including John Byrne’s run on She-Hulk. So there’s got to be something worthwhile in these comics, right? RIGHT??? But you’ll never find out unless you download the show, so get to clicking!
If you want to check out what Jay plans on doing after this show, look for his new blog called Double Action Review, coming soon!
MadminW January 31, 2014
Hello again future people, and thanks for listening to this 99th episode of Just One of the Guys, a Green Lantern podcast. This time on the show, J David Weter […]
2021 DiManzicorp Podcast Network
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