Just One of the Guys Episode #89
Domo arigato, lantern-y listeners, and welcome back to another episode of Just One of the Guys, where we take a look at the best and worst of the Green Lantern […]
Happy day after Thanksgiving, folks, and welcome back to another episode of Just One of the Guys, the only podcast that never has a problem with overindulgence. Probably because of all of these “message” issues that are coming up in the Green Lantern title, starting with issue 90 where Kyle meets up with an old friend from the neighborhood who seems to have a bit of a problem…a bit of a DRINKING problem. And its up to Kyle and an incredibly hot, female bartender to set him on the right path.
And over in the second book slot, we also have some “message” issues as well as Green Lantern Corps Quarterly #3 brings us a tale of a Green Lantern who treats all the poor like criminals, an Alan Scott story that features his Justice Society teammates, another goofy story with G’nort, and “Whatever Happened to Charlie Vicker”. Yes, I’m like most of you who probably gave a resounding, “Who?” to that last story. But don’t worry, it features…ACTING!!! So grab the leftover turkey from the fridge, download the show, and get to listening. It’ll make any “Black Friday” shopping seem marginably enjoyable!
MadminW November 22, 2013
Domo arigato, lantern-y listeners, and welcome back to another episode of Just One of the Guys, where we take a look at the best and worst of the Green Lantern […]
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