Just One of the Guys Episode #87
Welcome, everyone, to an “I want to believe” episode of Just One of the Guys, a Green Lantern podcast. And no, this isn’t the one where David Duchovney guests in […]
Happy Friday, dear listeners, and thank you for downloading this episode of Just One of the Guys, the only show brave enough to use a song from the wife of Nickelback frontman Chad Kroeger as it’s opening music. This time out the song isn’t as annoying, but the issue of Green Lantern kind of is. Not only does Kyle have to deal with irate relatives of his ex-girlfriend Alex, an overly protective mother, but also one of the lamest villains to appear in the Green Lantern book, the Machine Messiah! Hair Metal Sonar seems sublimely nuanced compared to this.
Plus I’m going to start looking at some books that came out during this run of Green Lantern, starting with Green Lantern Corps Quarterly #1, which features the introduction of one of the most fun, yet most underused Green Lanterns, Jack T Chance! Plus there’s back up stories about Alan Scott, G’nort, Arisia, and…well, let’s just call it what it is, an inventory story. But coming along for the ride this time out is the co-host of Better in the Dark along with Derrick Ferguson and author of Shadow Legion: New Roads to Hell, Mr Thomas Deja. Some criminal backsides are going to be kicked. So unless you want to have to take the sofa at Kyle’s mom’s place, I suggest you grab your mp3 player of choice, download the show, and get to listening! Yowza!!!
MadminW November 8, 2013
Welcome, everyone, to an “I want to believe” episode of Just One of the Guys, a Green Lantern podcast. And no, this isn’t the one where David Duchovney guests in […]
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