Just One of the Guys Episode #86
Happy Day After Halloween, dear listeners, and thanks for downloading another episode of Just One of the Guys, the full size Snickers Bar of podcasts…do Halloween candy metaphors work in […]
Welcome, everyone, to an “I want to believe” episode of Just One of the Guys, a Green Lantern podcast. And no, this isn’t the one where David Duchovney guests in the book and admits his sex addiction, but where the actual alien J’onn J’onzz guests in the book and he and Green Lantern share some awkward silences, fight with an invading alien ship bent of terraforming the Earth, and meet up with and alien former Green Lantern. So many aliens that Fox Mulder would actually have to change his underpants due to sheer joy of discovering their existence…or perhaps the aforementioned sex addiction, you decide.
But we also wrap up the story of Guy Gardner and Steel fighting Sledge and The Enforcer (*snicker*) in Showcase ’96 number 2, written by the indominitable Beau Smith. It’s a tour de force of excellent writing that shades each character in and deconstructs the 90’s era in a way never before seen…Nah, I’m just pulling your leg, its just one big knockdown drag out brawl. But sometimes, those are just what you need. So, unless you want more awkward scenes of Kyle trying to make conversation with the Martian Manhunter (and I know Diabolu Frank does), I suggest you grab your mp3 player of choice, download the show, and start to listening!
MadminW November 1, 2013
Happy Day After Halloween, dear listeners, and thanks for downloading another episode of Just One of the Guys, the full size Snickers Bar of podcasts…do Halloween candy metaphors work in […]
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