Just One of the Guys Episode #56
Hey out there in listener land; welcome back to a brand spanking new episode of Just One of the Guys, where this episode is dedicated to my favorite podcaster (who […]
Happy day, lovely listeners, and welcome to another episode of Just One of the Guys, where my desire to talk about the Green Lantern comic has found an outlet which doesn’t annoy my wife…at least not to the extent it would if I talked about it with her. Regardless, I’m going to talk about Green Lantern #57, where Kyle says a mournful goodbye to his past, moves to New York City, and joins the Titans. Oh, and he get’s possessed by glass brain dome wearing villain, Psimon. So his first meet-up with the Titans isn’t such a pleasant one.
Over in Guy Gardner, we get a fill in artist with J.H. Williams III, the artist who is most associated with the Batgirl book. Only here the art is some of Williams’ earliest, and for my money, some of his worst. Bill Clinton looks wonky, Joey Chen looks wonky, and Guy looks like Sloth from The Goonies. Thankfully we still have Beau Smith crafting the story, so the book has that going for it. So unless you want to get thrown out a window by an over the top, men on the edge cop, I suggest you grab your mp3 player of choice, download the show, and start to listening!
MadminW March 14, 2013
Hey out there in listener land; welcome back to a brand spanking new episode of Just One of the Guys, where this episode is dedicated to my favorite podcaster (who […]
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